What is the difference between whitetail deer and mule deer? And how to choose which antler to use in your chandelier?
White tail deer (in the photo just above ) are the most common deer in North America. They can be told apart from other deer by their antler shape, tail size, and appearance. White tail deer are also rarely found in the western portion of the united states, hugging the eastern portion of the continent as their native home. The underside of their tail is white and waves like a white flag when fleeing predators. Whitetail antler are thick with chocolate brown pedicle bases that curve up then forward to support a gnarly masterpiece.
The Mule deer (in the photo at the very top) also called blacktail deer is almost exclusive to the western portion of the United States. Mule deer are one of the largest breeds and are named for their ears resembling those of a mule, spanning about three-fourths the length of their head. Mule deer have large forked antlers that branch out into two duplicate sized tines. This is different from the branching pattern in Whitetail deer.
Both the antler from mule deer and whitetail are beautiful. Antlerworx only uses antler sheds so no animals are harmed, as shedding is a naturally occurring process. Using sheds also ensures that the antler retains the "button" which lends to the beauty of our products. Whichever one you choose, or a combination of the two, we are sure you will love it.
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